We create drawings of a gazebo with a barbecue with our own hands


From this article you will learn:

  • What is the basis for choosing a winter gazebo project?
  • What are the stages of developing a winter gazebo project?
  • What materials are best to choose for a winter gazebo?
  • What are the features of building a winter gazebo

If you have purchased a summer cottage, then you probably have an idea, why not arrange a comfortable and picturesque corner for privacy and relaxation on its area. One of the most suitable objects that could favorably emphasize the style of your site could be a gazebo. You will find the most popular winter gazebo projects and other useful information in our article.

DIY barbecue gazebos: drawings, photos, videos. Types of stoves for light pavilions

Before you start designing a barbecue gazebo, you need to accurately decide on the type of stove: will it be just a roaster or a whole complex with a sink, countertop, wood burner and other elements. The following types of structures are used for installation in gazebos:

  • built-in oven - stationary equipment made of brick, including a grill, oven, stove and smoker. By equipping the gazebo with such a stove, you can get the opportunity to prepare almost any dish. The design of such a stove is quite complex and it would be wiser to invite real stove laying experts to construct it;
  • barbecue stove - this type of stove has a less complex design and is often combined with a smokehouse. Having installed such a stove, you should take into account that cooking on it will only be possible using skewers. An excellent option for barbecue lovers;

Photo gallery of gazebos with barbecue:




Brick barbecue device. Section A-A: 1 - layer of plaster (10 mm); 2 - solid stove brick; 3 - layer of kaolin wool (5 mm); 4 - fireclay masonry; 5 — marble shelf; 6 - under the barbecue; 7, 8 — arched ceilings of the firebox and woodshed; 9 - woodcutter; 10 - higho (250x250 mm); 11 - chimney (250x250 mm); 12 — firebox (500x770x620 mm); 15 — barbecue made of sheet steel (removable); 16 - skewer; 17 - firewood. Section B-B: 1 - layer of plaster (10 mm); 2 - solid stove brick; 3 - layer of kaolin wool (5 mm); 4 - fireclay masonry; 5 — marble shelf; 6 - under the barbecue; 7, 13 - grooves in the brick for barbecue grates; 17 - firewood

  • barbecue oven - very similar in design to a barbecue oven. Here, a grill is used for cooking, which makes the cooking process easier, but maintaining it is more labor-intensive;
  • A portable barbecue is a practical device that is made of metal. The equipment is resistant to corrosion, is durable and durable, and does not require special maintenance. It can be purchased ready-made and installed in the gazebo. If you do not plan to move the grill to another place, you can cover it with bricks and use it permanently. The fire is lit inside the box, and you can cook either on skewers or on a grill;

Various options for gazebos with a stove,
collapsible designs are relatively inexpensive mobile products that can be disassembled and put into a box. The main disadvantage is the use of cheap metal in their manufacture, which quickly deforms under the influence of high temperature;

Helpful advice! It is possible to install a hood over portable grills or barbecues by fixing it to the ceiling directly above the stove equipment.

  • gas grill unit - heat from a stone is used for cooking;
  • smoker grill equipment - designed for preparing grilled and smoking meats;

A barbecue stove for a gazebo, made of brick,
a cauldron stove - provides a hole in the stove for lowering the cauldron into the hearth. Allows you to prepare various dishes: pilaf, shurpa, as well as stew;

  • fryer - for cooking with solid fuel;
  • stove-fireplace - usually they resort to installing such equipment when they plan to build a closed gazebo and use it in winter. Whether it is a fireplace-barbecue or a fireplace-barbecue is up to you.

When developing projects for gazebos with a stove, the drawings indicate the dimensions of the future equipment and the order of laying bricks for the construction of the stove. Such schemes can be found on the Internet. For a more detailed introduction to the installation technology, we suggest watching a video of the step-by-step construction of stoves for gazebos.

We build a gazebo with a barbecue with our own hands. Photos of individual buildings

The construction of a barbecue gazebo begins with preparing the site for construction. The selected area is cleared, leveled if necessary, and the future structure is marked according to the drawings. For marking, wedges (pegs) and a construction cord are used, which is stretched between them. Then the foundation is laid. A columnar foundation is used under the gazebo; a shallow shallow base or a monolithic slab is laid under the brick oven-barbecue.

The location of the wooden pavilion allows vacationers to admire the scenery

Construction of a barbecue

As soon as the base concrete has set, begin building the barbecue. Construction begins with the installation of a stand for the stove. The cavity formed under this stand will serve as a firewood holder. Next, they begin laying the barbecue bricks. All rows are performed according to the row laying scheme.

The first and second rows are laid, filling the entire space inside the perimeter of the grill. Next, they lay out rows around the perimeter, forming a niche for storing firewood. Laying bricks around the perimeter serves as the base of the furnace. After this, an opening is made for cooking. The height of the opening is usually seven bricks.

Orders and sections of a brick grill

When the construction of the barbecue is completed, a chimney is installed, placing the bricks in a circle. The inside of the chimney is covered with metal, which greatly simplifies maintenance. At the very top of the chimney there is a metal cap that protects the grill from precipitation.

Floor construction

After the barbecue has been erected, construction of the gazebo itself begins. Before laying the floor, make an insulating layer of roofing felt so that the floor material does not absorb moisture from the ground. In open structures, the floor is arranged with a slight slope so that precipitation can quickly be removed by gravity.

3D project of a wooden gazebo frame

To install the floor, the lower horizontal frame around the perimeter is first made from timber. The strapping bars are fixed on studs, previously laid in the foundation, and tightened with a washer. Next, the logs are attached in increments of 40-50 cm. And then the floor is sheathed with boards, plywood or OSB boards.

Helpful advice! If the floors in the gazebo are wooden, you need to cover some space around the barbecue with a metal sheet or install a tile floor in this part. This will eliminate the risk of fire if smoldering coals accidentally fall onto the floor.

Paving slabs are used as flooring in the gazebo

If the gazebo has a weighty structure, you can make the floor from concrete, which is poured onto the ground, or from paving slabs.

Gazebo walls

If the barbecue gazebo is of an open type, then support pillars are mounted, which are installed strictly vertically, using temporary jibs to fix the position. The support beams are mounted on the horizontal strapping beams. Sometimes, for structural strength, vertical posts are reinforced with transverse beams. Between the supports there are fences made of railings and balusters.

Design diagram of a gazebo with barbecue

Roof installation

The roof frame for the gazebo is mounted on the ground. The ends of the rafter beams are cut at an angle of 45 degrees on one side, and locks are cut out on the other and connected. The finished roof structure is lifted and installed on the gazebo frame using bolted fastening.

Next, they begin the sheathing, which can be made from boards or plywood sheets. A hole is made in the place where the chimney pipe will be located, and the pipe itself in this place is covered with asbestos cardboard.

Pavilion with barbecue in the courtyard of a private house

After completing all this work, they begin to cover the roofing material. For safety reasons, metal tiles or corrugated sheeting are usually used in gazebos for summer cottages with barbecues (photo to confirm this). But if all the work is carried out correctly, flexible tiles or polycarbonate are suitable for such gazebos.

The construction of gazebos with barbecues requires special attention, strict adherence to design requirements and compliance with all fire safety standards. Therefore, if possible, seek qualified help from professionals.

Material for gazebo

Barbecue gazebos are often used as a summer kitchen, for which they are equipped with countertops, sinks, sometimes dining groups, and so on. The design can be open or closed using various materials. Recently, open gazebos and simple canopies have become very popular. When choosing a material, the aesthetics of the chosen option and finishing are taken into account. Important factors are the design of the gazebo, its dimensions, the resistance of the material to the negative influence of sunlight, precipitation and wind, its strength and heat resistance.

It doesn’t matter what material the gazebo is made of, the main thing is to feel comfortable in it Source do.nn.ru

Gazebos are built from the following materials:

  • Made of wood. Environmentally friendly material, easy to process, looks great in areas. The structure itself is quite light, so a massive foundation is not required. A good foundation will be needed when installing a stationary stove made of stone materials. To produce a gazebo, logs, beams, boards, decorative slats are used, sometimes solid wood is used, and so on. To ensure that the material does not lose its appearance over time and lasts as long as possible, periodic treatment with protective compounds is required.

Open wooden gazebo with stationary barbecue Source pinterest.com

  • From stone. Stones or bricks are used for construction, which gives the buildings special advantages - high strength, fire safety and greater durability. No constant surface treatment is required, like wood. You should not skimp on materials and it is better to invite specialists in bricklaying. In most cases, brick is used for construction; the material is cheaper and more accessible than stone. When building columns for a canopy or a full-fledged gazebo, you need to build a solid foundation. Basically, the inside of the oven is also made of refractory bricks.

A gazebo made of natural stone will be expensive, but will decorate any area Source artstonegroup.ru

  • Made of metal. They include pipe supports and openwork walls, mostly made in the form of canopies. Various types of gratings and forged patterns are used. Very strong, can withstand heavy loads, durable, easy and quick to assemble, some models do not require a foundation. But they can get very hot and require periodic painting and anti-corrosion treatment.

Forged metal pavilion for relaxation with a stone stove Source navess.ru

  • Combined. A gazebo for a summer cottage with a barbecue can be built using several types of building materials simultaneously. This is a fairly common option that allows you to reduce the cost of the entire project while maintaining the durability and strength of the structure. When combining, you can use a metal profile, wood, brick, stone elements and so on. The most common combination option is to use brick and wood. Basically, the work area is decorated with brick, and the recreation area is decorated with wood.

Gazebo made of stone and wood, can be closed for the winter Source besedkibest.ru

DIY wooden gazebo

Many developers offer ready-made 4x3 gazebos, which are called “turnkey”. But the construction of such a lightweight structure is within the power of a person who has performed any construction work at least once in his life. To build a simple gazebo at your dacha, you don’t need a lot of specialized knowledge.

The first stage of construction is the design of the future structure. Simple drawings of a rectangular building indicating the dimensions and locations of support beams, windows, doors. A ready-made sketch drawing will save you from unnecessary spending on building materials, because it will be possible to calculate the required quantity from it.

Next comes the construction of the foundation. Since the gazebo is a light (in weight) structure, it does not require a permanent foundation. A strip or even block foundation will do. For a block foundation, you will need to prepare 4 base blocks (for greater strength, you can place reinforcement there) and up to 6 additional blocks for supports.

The foundation block is made as follows: the cement composition is poured into a square hole, into which either broken brick or other material was previously poured. If necessary, reinforcement bars are also secured. When the cement hardens, it is necessary to take care of waterproofing.

The foundation is ready. You can proceed to the construction of the frame. First, the floor is constructed: a “box” is formed around the perimeter, transverse beams and joists are installed. Next, supports are erected and “walls” are constructed. The support beams are sheathed either completely or partially, leaving space for windows and doors.

To install the floor, a special board or timber is usually used. They are attached to the base with nails.

When the main frame of the gazebo is assembled, you can move on to the roof. As a rule, the roof is made with a gable roof, but no one forbids making it double, in the oriental style, or getting by with a single-pitch version. One way or another, the technology will be reduced to the fact that the frame of the top is formed, and after that it is either sheathed or covered with roofing material.

The gazebo is ready. All that remains is to clear it of construction debris. You can also add benches, chairs, a table, flowers for decoration, hang curtains or blinds, and provide light (if you are planning evening gatherings).

Gazebo 3x4: features and types

There are a lot of different options for constructing gazebos: round, octagonal and hexagonal, square and rectangular. Their shape can be different, just as the materials from which the structure is built can be different: wood, metal, polycarbonate, lining, etc. Such wide variability allows you to create an original architectural object even from a standard project. A 4 by 3 gazebo is a very common summer house building in this regard. Its dimensions allow you to accommodate up to 20 people, while it does not occupy such a large area.

The roof can add special chic to the design. It can be decorated in an oriental style, be double, or be flat, single-pitched, built at a certain angle. In addition, even the simplest gable or hipped roof can be accentuated if it is covered, for example, with colored slate or original tiles.

Do-it-yourself gazebo with barbecue under the same roof as the house (Annex)

(step by step slideshow)

This slideshow shows in detail how to make a gazebo under the same roof as a house with a brick barbecue with your own hands. The author of this model did everything from A to Z on his own, and before that he spent almost the entire winter getting information from the Internet. And this model cost him 800 USD. . Interesting ideas for interior decoration, namely, a false window, a seating area made of boxes and pallets, a chandelier made of driftwood and vintage doors covered with glaze.

Watch the step-by-step slideshow master class:

Source: eurosamodelki.ru/katalog-samodelok/stroitelstvo-i-remont/2-v-1-mangal-i-besedka-pod-odnoy-kryshey

Author: Riaha111

Where to install a stove and build a gazebo

Before choosing a location for these structures, decide on the type of structure. Stationary barbecue stoves are erected together with a gazebo. But there are also projects where the roaster is located separately. Both methods of installing the stove are justified.



When setting up a fireplace, remember that fire not only provides the heat necessary for cooking, but also produces smoke, which can interfere with rest or irritate neighbors. It is better to install a gazebo equipped with a stove away from the house, especially if the wind often blows towards the home. The same applies to nearby areas, so that barbecue does not become a cause of discord with people living nearby.

Photo: brick grill installed on the second floor of the building

If it is planned to build an open or semi-open structure, choose drawings of a gazebo with fences on the north side. Cold winds blow from there, so it is better to protect yourself from them in advance. A practical solution is to equip the structure with removable walls or thick curtains that will close the openings in bad weather.

The hearth itself in the gazebo is usually installed near the northern wall. A stationary stove is installed according to the rules. First of all, it is necessary to properly design the smoke exhaust system to ensure good draft for fuel combustion. It is better to consult with an experienced stove maker on this issue.

Original and functional barbecues can be purchased ready-made and then modified for a specific project. For example, make the brazier portable on high legs or install it permanently on a stone base.

A functional solution is to have a countertop near the stove where a sink, cutting boards, and shelves for food and utensils are located.

Photo: square gazebo project

Don't forget about the cook

There is nothing worse than cooking for the whole company and only hearing peals of laughter behind you. Food preparation and seating areas should flow into one another, on the one hand isolating guests from the hot zone, and on the other hand allowing the cook to become the center of the party. The best way to cope with this is a high bar counter raised from the other edge of the cooking area. After all, watching the chef prepare meat for you on the grill is a great start to any feast.

This is interesting: Japanese-style gazebo - features of oriental design.

Corner gazebo ideas

When choosing designs of this format, it is necessary to distinguish between two different entities:

  1. Angular shape. The building itself can even be located in the middle of the site, but its shape will be angular - with two open walls. Sometimes a similar approach is used in Japanese construction, although it is also present among our buildings.
  2. Corner location. In this case, the gazebo is located directly in the corner of the site or next to the fence. Thanks to this location, the space of the site is seriously saved, so this position can be called extremely practical.

Below will be shown a dozen ideas for such buildings. Some options look even more interesting than boring square and rectangular structures.

With a complex roof in the corner of the plot

Many of them are complemented by a platform (in Spanish it is called a patio) and small terraces. You can find examples with a barbecue grill, a barbecue, and even a full-fledged oven complex. It’s amazing how such beautiful gazebos can be placed in such a small area.

Types of foundations for barbecue gazebos

When building gazebos equipped with a fireplace stove, barbecue stove or barbecue stove, a reliable foundation is provided. This is a guarantee of the strength of the structure being built. Several types of foundations are used for such structures:

columnar foundation. The most popular type of base for small-sized gazebos with barbecues and grills. The depth of the holes for the pillars is from 80 to 90 cm. A cushion of crushed stone or sand is placed at the bottom of the holes. This type of base requires waterproofing, so brickwork or metal pillars are covered with roofing felt. It is recommended to pour a foundation slab as a base under the furnace installation site;

Layout of the strip foundation

Helpful advice! When constructing slab foundations, it is recommended to use reinforcement. For this purpose, reinforcement bars of various sections are used.

strip foundation base. If the structure you choose will be built from brick or natural stone, a strip shallow foundation will be most suitable. To do this, a trench up to half a meter deep is made along the perimeter of the building. A sand cushion is laid out at the bottom and compacted. Using formwork, a foundation is poured 30 cm high above the ground. The foundation is pre-reinforced;

Pavilion in the form of a tent on a personal plot

  • screw piles. A rather rare type of foundation used for gazebos. This is due to the fact that its installation requires special equipment. However, if at the stage of constructing a pile foundation for the main house the dimensions of the gazebo and the location of its installation are already known, it is advisable to immediately construct such a foundation for this structure;
  • bored foundation. The construction of such a foundation does not require the purchase of expensive piles. The technology of the device consists of drilling wells and filling them with concrete. Pipes of various diameters or roofing felt rolled into a pipe are used as formwork;

An example of a slab foundation:
a monolithic slab foundation. For such a foundation, the formwork is first assembled, then the frame is made of reinforcement and concrete is poured over the entire area. The advantages of such a foundation are not only the ability to support quite massive gazebos, but also that the slab can be used as a floor. It is recommended to install such a foundation in areas with problematic soils.

Gazebo projects

Number of projects 70
Project Gazebo “Vinogradnaya”

  • To favorites
  • 15² Total area
  • 5 x 3m Building area

from 88,550 rub.
Construction time individually

Project Gazebo "Garden"

  • To favorites
  • 6² Total area
  • 4 x 2m Building area

from 75,000 rub.
Construction time individually

  • 1 room

Agata gazebo project

  • To favorites
  • 17.5² Total area
  • 6 x 3m Building area

from 159,900 rub.
Construction time individually

Gazebo project Quiet Corner

  • To favorites
  • 30.8² Total area

from 415,800 rub.
Construction time individually

Project Gazebo “Summer Evening”

  • To favorites
  • 21² Total area
  • 3 x 7m Construction area

from 94,350 rub.
Construction time individually

Aleshin gazebo project

  • To favorites
  • 35.89² Total area
  • 10 x 4m Construction area

from 484,515 rub.
Construction time individually

Available at the exhibition

Project Gazebo “Friend Trap”

  • To favorites
  • 9² Total area
  • 3 x 3m Building area

from RUB 78,750
Construction time individually

Garden gazebo project "Luzia"

  • To favorites
  • 6.6² Total area
  • 4 x 2m Building area

from 89,100 rub.
Construction time individually

Project Gazebo “Compact”

  • To favorites
  • 16² Total area
  • 5 x 5m Building area

from 216,000 rub.
Construction time individually

Project Gazebos Kamila

  • To favorites
  • 12² Total area
  • 4 x 5m Building area

from 99,900 rub.
Construction time individually

Project Gazebo GH-0280-0009

  • To favorites
  • 9² Total area

individual calculation
Construction period individually

Project Gazebos with brick barbecue

  • To favorites

individual calculation

Construction time individually

Filimon gazebo project

  • To favorites
  • 67.39² Total area
  • 7 x 10m Building area

from RUB 909,765
Construction time individually

Lily gazebo project

  • To favorites
  • 32.03² Total area
  • 6 x 6m Construction area

from 432,405 rub.
Construction time individually

Project Gazebo GH-0400-0012

  • To favorites
  • 12² Total area

individual calculation
Construction period individually

  • 1 room

Project AS-2002

  • To favorites
  • 47.3² Total area

from RUR 638,550
Construction time individually

Project Gazebo “Dacha Dozen”

  • To favorites
  • 12² Total area
  • 3 x 4m Building area

from 78,050 rub.
Construction time individually

  • 1 room

Evelina gazebo project

  • To favorites
  • 35² Total area
  • 7 x 5m Building area

from RUR 249,900
Construction time individually

Gazebo Project No. 2

  • To favorites
  • 3 x 3m Building area

from 85,000 rub.
Construction time individually

Calypso gazebo project

  • To favorites
  • 62.55² Total area
  • 5 x 8m Building area

from 844,425 rub.
Construction time individually

View all projects

A gazebo is an indispensable attribute of almost any country house. In a pleasant atmosphere and fresh air you can spend evenings with friends and family, work, eat, and relax. Recently, a gazebo with a barbecue has become very popular. The construction and cost of such a structure is not much different from the construction of an ordinary gazebo. There is practically no upper limit on price; it all depends on the financial capabilities and desires of the customer. When arranging such a structure, it is necessary to contact specialists to achieve the best result.

And if the gazebo is also glazed, you can spend time in it even in the cold season Source modernplace.ru


The grill inside the gazebo should be equipped with an exhaust hood or chimney so that the smell of smoke does not spread indoors. If this is not possible, it is recommended to take the grill outside the gazebo and place it nearby. But there must be a canopy over the barbecue, so that during rain you don’t have to urgently come up with ways to avoid drowning the meat in rainwater.

If necessary, they can be pushed under the table, thereby freeing up space for comfortable movement while cooking. The most comfortable option is chairs with armrests. It is desirable that they are made of solid wood, then they will fit perfectly into the open street space. But light wicker chairs also look good. And to make sitting more comfortable, you can use removable covers with soft seats and decorative pillows.

All necessary communications must be carried out into the gazebo. Ideally, this is water, sewerage and electricity. But in many cases, only electricity is sufficient for artificial lighting at night. In addition, additional heat sources will not be superfluous during the cool period. They will protect in early spring or late autumn from cold and dampness. You can install an infrared lamp above the dining table or use an electric gun to quickly warm up the room.

Types of fuel for garden stoves

To light a fire in nature, coal, firewood, gas, and briquettes are used. Not all types give the same heat, and the smoldering time is also different. Fuel is selected based on the technical characteristics of the stove.

An environmentally friendly type of fuel that does not emit smoke when heated deserves special attention. These are stones of volcanic origin that are heated by an electric coil. As a result, the heat from the stones is no worse than from wooden firewood, and there is no smoke. This option is indispensable for a small summer cottage, where a residential building and neighbors are in “dangerous proximity.”

Regardless of what drawings, materials and interior arrangement are chosen, a gazebo with a barbecue will certainly become a favorite place in the country house. After all, it’s so nice to spend time with family and friends near the fireplace!

Stay warm in the gazebo

In cool weather, to retain heat and protect from the wind, you can use special PVC curtains in the gazebo. If purchasing such curtains seems like an unnecessary luxury to you, you can make them yourself. You will need to buy PVC film, cut it to the size of the gazebo openings, edge it with durable fabric and put eyelets along the edges. Using a cord threaded through the eyelets, you can attach the curtain to the gazebo.

Using additional heat sources in the gazebo, such as infrared lamps, is always a good idea. They can be placed near areas of maximum functionality - the dining or cooking area.

Drawing work

Instructions for further actions are as follows. Having made a decision on the above points, we move on to creating a drawing. First of all, we draw a general plan of the gazebo with barbecue.

In addition to this, at least two more sketches will be needed. We make them in the form of a frontal and profile projection with dimensions marked on it.

General plan and projections

Advice! If you want to create a light and airy atmosphere in a gazebo with a barbecue, then for this you will need to provide glazing of the walls along the entire perimeter of the building.

Drawing of a pavilion with glazing

It will not be superfluous to take into account the prevailing wind direction. Having determined it, we mark a blank wall from the most leeward part. This will help create a more comfortable environment in the room.

If you find it difficult to make a complex drawing, then you can get by with a simple diagram with the dimensions indicated on it. It will help you calculate the required amount of building materials, and will also serve as the basis for construction work.

Construction technology

It’s not at all difficult to build a gazebo with a stove with your own hands; to do this, you just need to choose a suitable project, then follow all the required technologies and construction rules.

The project of the future gazebo must include all the necessary drawings:

  • two sketches with a profile and frontal plan with marked dimensions;
  • gazebo diagram;
  • barbecue drawing with dimensions;
  • diagram of the site with a gazebo and other buildings;
  • sketch of the gazebo.

Studying and creating a drawing of the future gazebo will help you think through the design and style. It will also allow you to calculate the required amount of materials and speed up the construction process.

Then you can move on to the construction stage.

  • It is necessary to mark the size and shape of the future gazebo on the site. You can use sand for this.
  • The area for the future gazebo is cleaned and leveled, the top layer of soil is removed.
  • Then you can move on to the foundation. For the supports of the structure, it is necessary to dig holes for installing posts and fill the bottom with sand. After reinforcement and formwork, concrete is poured into the base. For a glass gazebo, only a columnar foundation is sufficient.

  • After complete drying (about 5-7 days), you can proceed to installing vertical racks and laying the barbecue.
  • Consider the structure of laying barbecue bricks. Ordering will help you calculate in advance the approximate amount of building materials and draw up estimates.
  • The foundation for the barbecue must be covered with roofing felt and the first layer of bricks must be laid without mortar. Next, subsequent layers are laid out plumb to maintain the verticality of the walls.
  • To build a barbecue, fireproof brick, stone or clay is used. At the same time, a chimney or hood is installed.
  • We proceed to laying the logs - you need to leave about 60 cm between the beams, and lay a tongue-and-groove board on top.
  • The floors are laid at an angle from the barbecue to the outer walls of the gazebo.
  • Roof - as experts advise, all roof construction work should start from the ground, this will greatly facilitate the entire process. After this, the entire structure is lifted to the top of the gazebo and installed.
  • For the roof you should choose lightweight materials: tiles, boards, corrugated sheets.

Why do you need drawings of a gazebo with a barbecue?

Having a drawing of a gazebo with a barbecue in your hands, you can:

  1. decide on the style and appearance of the building - preparing the project will help to organically fit the future structure into the existing landscape;
  2. calculate the required volume of building materials - this, in turn, will show the required amount of financial expenses;
  3. speed up the construction process - design allows you to make construction work more orderly and efficient.

Advice! To reduce the time for developing drawings, you should use ready-made options. You can find them on our website.

Beautiful examples of finished buildings

Gazebos can be decorated not only inside, but also outside. Lush climbing greenery and pots of flowers near the porch can be an excellent decoration.

An additional shelf above the counter or sink can be used to place spices and kitchen utensils.

The main requirement for any gazebo with a barbecue is that it should be convenient to cook on. And so that the cook spends less time and effort on additional movements, it is worth setting aside a place for a barbecue and a corner specifically for storing firewood.

And so that the cook does not get bored while preparing meat, you can build a bar counter behind him.

Gazebos made of brick and wood look practical, aesthetically pleasing and modern. In addition, such buildings are more resistant to temperature changes and changing seasons, and are also more reliable and durable.

Street lighting outside the gazebo looks expressive. You can choose an LED strip or curtain to decorate the walls and roof. And near the gazebo it is good to place street lamps that are charged with natural sunlight and create a special romantic mood in the dark.

Green spaces around the perimeter of the gazebo look very original and stylish

Thus, they highlight and emphasize the importance of the gazebo

Selection of project and design

First, you should think about the design of the common recreation area, then separately about the type and style of the gazebo and barbecue grill; the whole complex should be beautiful and comfortable.

  1. Blends harmoniously with the style of the house.
  2. Fits into landscape design.
  3. Convenient to use.
  4. Corresponds to the number of people who will visit this recreation area.
  5. The style is in full accordance with the taste of the owner.
  6. The design is also at your discretion: made of red or white brick, covered with or without tiles, with plaster, including decorative.

Stylish unity of the house and the gazebo
Expert opinion: Masalsky A.V.

Editor of the “construction” category on the Stroyday.ru portal. Specialist in engineering systems and drainage.

The choice will depend on the goals of creating such a recreation area - if you are planning frequent mass gatherings at a table in nature, then it is worth building a more global structure with a solid gazebo made of natural stone and an equally massive table. It is advisable to cook food in such gazebos in an oven - it can be multifunctional and have a barbecue area - food on the grill, a grill, a cauldron, a place for heating and even a smoking area.

Prices for gazebos


Food Variety Chart for the Stove

If, for example, you like to relax on a hill or pedestal, then you should consider stairs and the appearance of a podium. Wooden structures with barbecues and barbecues in the country have long found a wide circle of admirers. But brick stoves are considered more durable and durable, as well as beautiful and varied. But in all cases, gazebos must be built strictly according to the design and drawings. Many dacha dwellers have bar-style structures - either a counter or 4 high tables in the corners. This interior is apparently for those who like to use their grill on the go or alone. And for those who like to gather in kitchens, there are relaxation areas in this style, where you can provide a sink and a cutting table. But the most common options are to build a huge wooden table with your own hands in the middle of a brick gazebo with equally huge benches. Here both grill and barbecue - meat on the grill will disappear unnoticed. This is a vacation at the dacha in Russian! Get everyone seated, fed and watered. In a word – it’s up to you to choose. Projects can be very simple - it is important that they correspond to your goals and objectives, and that you feel comfortable and convenient.

Projects of gazebos with barbecue (photos and drawings)

Advantages of a corner gazebo

The list of benefits is presented below:

Forged metal and brick

  1. Space saving. In classical construction, the space around the gazebo is not used in any way, except as a woodshed or utility block in some cases. The corner option “eats up” these square meters, as a result of which the dacha plot remains in the black.
  2. You can save on finishing corner walls. Since no one sees the far walls (from the outside), you can go many years without renewing the paint on them or washing them off from dirt and stains. This is true when corrugated sheeting or siding is used as cladding.
  3. You can practically place a chimney from the barbecue. In the center of the site, a smoking stove complex does not look like the best solution, but in the corner near the fence it is very interesting.
  4. Aesthetics. To some extent, the structure looks beautiful in the corner. By adding wood carvings, interesting lighting or forged elements, you can create an architectural masterpiece.

With barbecue

Gazebos with barbecue, barbecue and stove: choosing material for the pavilion

Garden gazebos with grills, barbecues and stoves are used by many as a summer kitchen. Depending on the season in which the gazebo is planned to be used, it is built closed or open. To build such a structure, various materials are used, taking into account the creation of a single architectural composition with the buildings already existing in the yard.

Gazebo with barbecue made of combined materials

Wooden barbecue gazebo

Wood is a traditional building material, easy to process and assemble. The naturalness and environmental friendliness of wood products allows structures to look great both on the territory of a personal plot and in the countryside exterior. For construction, timber, logs, boards, slats for decorative lattice are used.

A wooden barbecue gazebo is quite light and does not require a massive foundation. However, if the gazebo is equipped with a stove, a monolithic foundation will have to be installed under it.

Gazebo with stove, built of wood

Helpful advice! Timely processing of wood with special modern impregnating compounds makes the products fire-resistant and allows such structures to be used for quite a long time.

Brick pavilions

Brick barbecue gazebos are popular due to their durability and fundamental nature. Such structures last for many years, they are fireproof and they do not require special maintenance or periodic repairs. Photos of gazebos with a stove and barbecue demonstrate the most common choice of brick as a material for such a structure.

Stone gazebo with pitched wooden roof

Fans of winter holidays at the dacha use closed versions of brick gazebos to build, however, summer open gazebos are also equipped with barbecues and barbecues. For the construction of brick structures, it is necessary to lay a good foundation.


Combined structures

Quite often, several types of material are used to build gazebos. It can be metal and wood, stone and metal, wood and brick. In a combined wood and brick structure, they usually resort to the zoning method: the work area with equipment is made of brick, and the rest area is made of wood. The excellent compatibility of materials with each other gives the pavilions an impeccable appearance. Such structures also require the construction of a foundation.

Wood and brick go well together

Features of a gazebo with barbecue

A gazebo with a barbecue cannot be compact. It can be compared to a large kitchen or a living room, which is combined with the kitchen. There are at least two zones here: working (for cooking) and dining. But often they also set up a recreation area with a TV and the ability to connect karaoke or a game console. The main task when designing a gazebo is to provide the necessary safety measures. And they depend on the type of grill.

The simplest option is a portable tabletop grill. To install it, you only need a worktop made of non-combustible materials, which can be made using ordinary ceramic tiles.

And if you use charcoal, which burns with a “short” flame with almost no smoke or sparks, then you can even do without a chimney. The main thing is that the gazebo and roof are made of non-combustible materials, and the table with barbecue is located on the periphery.

It is a little more difficult to install a floor metal grill . It does not require a platform with a strong foundation, but it cannot be placed on wooden floors unless they are covered with a sheet of metal in the barbecue area. The best option for installing a floor barbecue is a platform lined with stone, clinker bricks, ceramic or paving slabs.

The gazebo needs to be adapted for such a barbecue:

  • install a dome hood;

  • lay a sealed passage made of non-combustible materials in the roof slab and in the roof itself;
  • choose a sandwich pipe of suitable size for the chimney (necessary to reduce the impact of flue gas temperature on the roof);
  • extend the chimney no less than 0.5 m above the ridge (or the top point of the vault);
  • Cover the chimney pipe from precipitation with a visor.

Note. Since the gazebo has a roofless roof structure, the total length of the smoke channel may be less than 5 meters regulated by standards, but only under the condition of stable draft.

And in this case, it is necessary to take into account the terrain, the location of the gazebo relative to the house, other buildings and trees.

The most difficult option is a brick oven , in the firebox of which a barbecue can be placed. Essentially this is a garden fireplace with an open firebox, but under a roof inside a gazebo.

And in this case, it is necessary to lay a foundation that can support the weight of a stove with a chimney, made of fireclay bricks and lined with tiles or stone.

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