Beautiful and functional shelves above the desk: options with photos

Hello everybody! Everyone will agree that desks are needed not only for schoolchildren. Many adults have special shelves and tables at home, necessary for doing some kind of work, pursuing a hobby, or just for sitting in front of the computer with the ability to place objects or decorative elements useful for the child on top.

I propose to discuss the shelves above the desk today. I will try to tell you what they are like and what you can now buy at Ikea or other similar stores. Having studied all the options, you will be able to choose not just beautiful, but also functional designs for your children.

A desk is an integral part of the furniture in many houses and apartments. But often the space above it is empty. And this is not entirely correct. You can fill it with a shelf, or maybe with several structures. The only question is which ones to choose or what to do with your own hands.

Shelves above the desk for a schoolchild

Every parent thinks about how to properly design a work area for their child. Modern students do not have room on their desks to accommodate all their notebooks, textbooks, various books, and all kinds of accessories in general.

This is where all sorts of storage system models come to the rescue. They are not only installed near the table, but also secured above the student’s workplace.

A well-designed work area is the main task of parents

Types of shelves

There are several varieties of this type of furniture that can be mounted above a desk. Wall-mounted models can be open or closed. The following materials are used for their production:

  • glass;
  • tree;
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • Chipboard, MDF boards.

Abundant filling of the shelves is what will create the design of the workplace.
In addition to the material of manufacture, they also differ in shape:

  • triangular;
  • curved;
  • semicircular;
  • diamond shaped;
  • round.

A piece of furniture is often placed along the wall near the window, which provides additional lighting.
According to the method of installation, they are divided into:

  • hanging;
  • corner (for outer and inner corners).

Depending on the design above the desk there may be:

  • multi-tiered;
  • console;
  • with back wall;
  • with side walls;
  • combined structures.

For books, it is better to choose multi-tiered shelves - racks with side walls. Such designs are considered universal. They can accommodate not only books, but also various souvenirs and potted indoor plants.

Organizing a workspace for two children

Corner models have a small capacity and are mainly used for storing notebooks, pencils, pens, albums and various small souvenirs.

Console shelves will look great above a student’s workplace. These pieces of furniture can be multi-tiered or have only one level. Depending on the location of the table, the shelves have a variety of shapes.

The presence of compact shelves above the table in the nursery allows you to place on them almost any items a student needs for classes

The main advantages of shelves

The main advantages of wall shelves at a desk for schoolchildren are their low cost and ease of design. There are many ideas for placing a shelf for a student above a study table, photos of which can be seen below.

The corner shelf will ideally complement the interior and will be comfortable for children's use.

Over time, the shelves can be replaced or supplemented with a bookshelf of the appropriate width. The choice of such designs is great. In this case, you can also use corner products.

You may need shelving systems or even several corner shelves, since in addition to educational literature, the child will need regular books that need to be placed somewhere.

Thanks to the presence of shelves in a schoolchild's children's room, additional space is created for various activities. Several original corner shelves framing desks can become the highlight of the design. Models:

There are many different design ideas; a great option is compact corner furniture organizers of suitable width. The items can be used as a kind of closet or screen to separate the first-grader’s workspace from the rest of the area. Organizers with compartments of the same size, located at the desk for schoolchildren, look best.

The child will like the workplace for lessons even more if you decorate the educational materials with decorative objects and unusual things.

In the interior of a girl’s room, you can install beautiful vases with feathers or beaded flowers on the shelves; the design option with multi-colored balls is ideal for children.

You can also use desks for decoration.
A spacious, semi-open shelving unit can successfully separate the hallway from the living area, replacing a regular wall.

At what height should I hang it?

The location for mounting wall shelves above the desk is selected individually for each child.

In any case, you need to take into account the height of a table lamp, an open laptop, or a computer monitor. There are no uniform requirements or standards, but on average the distance from the edge of the lower level to the working surface of the desk is from 40 to 70 cm.

Shelves can be located above the table and even be structurally integral with it.

How to make it yourself

Today there are no problems with choosing shelves for a work corner.

You can contact any furniture showroom, and consultants will help you choose what you need.

However, there are situations when there is no opportunity or desire to buy these pieces of furniture in a store and a person thinks about making them himself.

Even a teenager can make the design.

Manufacturing instructions

First you need to take measurements and make a drawing of the future structure. Then you need to prepare the necessary materials and tools:

  • MDF or chipboard boards;
  • pencil, protractor, ruler;
  • hacksaw, saw;
  • drill, screwdriver;
  • metal corners, nails, screws;
  • paint and varnish materials for coating.

When all the preparatory stages have been completed, we begin manufacturing and assembly. We transfer the measurements to the prepared material, and then cut out the parts.

When the parts of the required size are made, they should be coated with paint and varnish and allowed to dry.

Once the parts are dry, assembly can begin. Self-tapping screws are used for this.

Then the finished structure is fixed to the wall. To fix it to the wall, use dowels - nails or anchors.

Option drawing for a shelf above the table

In order for all objects to stand level, they must be placed strictly horizontally. For these purposes, use a building level.

How to hang shelves in the kitchen

Before hanging shelves, you need to prepare the walls. Installation of furniture, wall cabinets and shelves is carried out after the repairs are completed. The walls must be smooth and free of defects. Decide where exactly you would like to hang the shelf - above the dining table or in the cooking area.

The ease of use of the shelf directly depends on the height of the shelf. You need to focus on the growth of your household. A shelf under the ceiling will look ugly, and you will have to constantly substitute a stepladder or stool to reach objects.

The markings can be done by eye - the housewife should be able to freely reach the shelf with her hand.

There are generally accepted norms:

  • if the average height of the owners is 160 cm, the shelf is mounted at a height of 175 cm;
  • 175 cm – the shelf is installed at a height of 190 cm;
  • at 185-195 cm the maximum shelf height is 2 m.

Required materials and tools:

  • for concrete and brick walls you need a hammer drill or drill; for drywall and cellular concrete, a simple electric drill or screwdriver is enough;
  • a set of screwdrivers or a screwdriver;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • knife;
  • awl;
  • hammer;
  • bubble level;
  • square;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • mounting rail or other holders;
  • adjustable canopies and mounting rail fasteners.

The choice of fasteners is very important. In addition to the mounting rail, there are types such as:

  1. Invisible fastener. With its help, you can hide all the elements, and the design will look light and elegant.
  2. The brackets will be visible, so you can choose decorative fasteners, but certainly in pairs.
  3. Hinges are the most popular option, simple, practical, quick to implement, and can fit into any design.
  4. Glass holders. They are equipped with rubber seals that protect the surface at the fastening site.

Before work, it is important to ensure the strength of the walls. If they are made of plasterboard, wood or plywood inserts must be placed underneath it. Using more butterfly dowels will not help in this case.

Attention! If you are going to hang a corner shelf, make sure there are no unnecessary gaps.

Closed kitchen shelves

These types of shelves look like small wall cabinets with doors and are heavier than open shelves and simple designs. Therefore, the fastening should be more reliable. First, we install the hangers.

There are 2 options:

  1. If the back wall is made of fiberboard, cut out holes in the upper corners through which the suspension legs will be passed. Then we press the hanger to the top of the cabinet and fasten it to the side stand with self-tapping screws.
  2. If the material of the back wall is laminated chipboard, we make a cutout with an area the size of the end of the hanger and fix its plastic or metal body on the side wall in the same plane as the laminated chipboard.

After this, we attach the mounting rail to the wall:

  1. Determine the height that needs to be marked on the wall.
  2. Using a level, draw a line and attach the mounting strip to the wall.
  3. It has holes for fastening every 1.5-2 cm. There is no need to drill each one, only what is necessary. It is enough to securely fix the bar where the corners of the hanging cabinets will be located.
  4. Before hanging the closed shelf onto the mounting plate, it is recommended to loosen the fastening tabs so that they move up and down. This will greatly simplify further adjustments.
  5. We lift the shelf and hang it on the bar.

Make sure both hangers are engaged and suspended securely from the bar. After this, adjust the shelf in height and pressure against the wall.

Wall mounted wooden shelf for the kitchen

These shelves are the most popular on the market. They come in different configurations: open, closed, in the form of cabinets with doors. Wooden shelves are environmentally friendly and easily fit into any interior. Open minimalist models look very light and do not overload the space.

However, if the task is to hide jars and various small items, you should pay attention to models with doors. Their weight and size are greater than those of open products, but at the same time, they will look like a full-fledged and high-quality piece of furniture. In this case, the fastening must be as solid as possible to support the weight.

Models with sides are popular on the market . These wooden shelves are not dismountable. They are hung for arranging jars of spices or decorative dishes. For convenience, such models have different depths and heights. For example, the useful depth is from 13 to 16 cm. For fastening to the wall from above, hinges are built into the side walls.

Wooden shelves can have a natural wood shade; they are covered with stain, varnish or acrylic paint. They are convenient to place both in the work area and above the dining table.

Wall shelves for the kitchen with glass

Shelves with glass look interesting in the interior. They look like full-fledged storage cabinets, but the glass makes the design look light and weightless. It is much easier for the housewife to find this or that thing while cooking: everything she needs is in sight and at the same time is not covered with dust and soot from the stove.

In the manufacture of such shelves, both transparent and frosted glass are used. Modern technologies and design make it possible to make various patterns, spraying, and add texture and color to the glass. It all depends on the design of the room.

These options look good in interiors in classic or neoclassical style. It is precisely for these areas that glass showcases or racks and shelves made of natural wood, which are decorated with carvings or forged elements in gold, bronze or brass, are chosen.

Attention! Fasteners for shelves with glass must be reliable, because their weight is greater than that of products without additional walls.

Interior placement ideas

During school, the child experiences stress, so when he comes to his room, he should relax, feel peace and protection.

Taking all these factors into account, it is better if the room environment does not resemble a school classroom, where all the lines are straight and precise. For these purposes, it makes sense to choose furniture structures in a variety of designs.

If the room is small, then a corner shelf will do.

Check out the interesting photo selection and understand what is suitable for a schoolchild’s room and design solutions.

Organizing a child's workspace

To free up space on your desk, use shelves. They are mounted directly above the surface of the student’s desk.

They should be positioned so that the child can easily get the necessary thing.


Recommendations for placing shelves above the table in the interior of different rooms

It is difficult to imagine the furnishings of any room, be it a residential apartment or an office, without shelves. In addition to their intended purpose, these structures serve as an excellent addition to the interior. Metal, glass or wooden shelves above the table not only greatly expand the functionality of this area, but also add coziness to it. You can purchase them in a specialized store or make them yourself - in any case, you get a simple, but at the same time practical piece of furniture that will be appreciated by all family members.

Product classification

The classification of shelves is based on four main principles that reflect the basic design and consumer properties of these products.

By location

It is the place where the shelves are supposed to be hung that determines their design, as well as their type. Depending on the functional purpose of the room or a separate zone in it, products are placed:

  1. Above the desk. This model can be used to store office supplies, books or to place decorative items. The main task is to create maximum comfort without standing out from the interior, without distracting a person from the creative process.
  2. Above the desktop. Functionality is the main task for such a model. Regardless of whose desktop it is, various tools are placed on the surface that should be at hand at any time.
  3. Above the computer desk. Until recently, a large number of laser discs could be seen here. Now they have been replaced by more compact storage media and cloud technologies, but various gadgets and literature still require storage space, and it is convenient to place them on the shelf above the computer desk.
  4. Above the dining table. Often shelves in this area can be seen in Provence style interiors. Bottles of wine or olive oil, jars of spices, and various dishes are placed on them, which creates a unique atmosphere of home comfort.

In addition, shelves can be successfully placed above a table located in a particular room:

  1. In the nursery. Perhaps, for no room in a house or apartment are hanging shelves more relevant than for a child’s room. The abundance of toys, educational structures and books requires a lot of storage space, and they must be available to their owner at any moment.
  2. In the kitchen. The shelves in this room are used to store utensils used directly in the cooking process, as well as to place decorative items on them. This is especially true for kitchens that are also used as a dining room.
  3. In the living room. Traditional items for the living room include audio and video equipment, photo frames, antiques and books. All this, being correctly placed on the shelves, can highlight the taste of the apartment owner in the most favorable way.
  4. In the bedroom. In this room they can be used both for placing decorative items and for storing various small items; they are usually located above the makeup table.

In a residential apartment or office, any free space above the table can be supplemented with shelves that will be appropriate and organic in the most extraordinary design solutions.

By type of design

The design of products largely depends on the shape, since not all design options are consistent with constructive capabilities. For example, curved, round or semicircular models often do not have side walls. Classic rectangular, diamond-shaped, triangular - on the contrary, they are simple and provide many design options. The main ones:

  1. Consoles. Products with a minimalist design, yet very comfortable and functional. Cantilever elements are often made of metal and have a removable structure, which is convenient if you need to change the geometry of the rack.
  2. Multi-tiered. They are extremely practical, since they allow you to rationally use the space of one conventional square of room area.
  3. With side walls. They are made in the shape of a niche and are convenient for storing books that do not fall due to the presence of sides. Such models can be equipped with either two or one side wall.
  4. With a back wall. This design does not greatly affect functionality, but it noticeably changes the overall appearance of the wall on which it is located.
  5. Universal options. These shelves are simple but functional. As a rule, they have correct geometric shapes, reliable fastenings with a margin of safety, and they can be used for any purpose.

Whatever the design of the shelves, it should always correspond to their functional purpose.

By purpose

The main purpose of the products is the arrangement and storage of small and medium-sized items. However, depending on how they are used and who owns them, the preferred design will also be determined. For example, shelves in a nursery must be safe, which means they must have reliable fastenings that prevent the possibility of falling, rounded corners, and be made from environmentally friendly materials. For boys, it is preferable to install roomy structures where you can put a large toy or model airplane. For girls, more interesting options are those with many small compartments in which you can place your treasures and dolls.

A shelf for a schoolchild or student can have the correct shape and be made in a calm color scheme that will not distract from the learning process. For a young family of two people who do not yet have children, universal designs combined for their intended purpose - the so-called storage systems - will be relevant. Such a rack can have several tiers, while combining open and closed compartments in which you can place household items, as well as display room decor items.

Another option is shelves that serve a decorative function. Such interior items can have different shapes and be made of metal, glass, wood.

Designs for flower pots look no less interesting. Such products are simple and inconspicuous, but flowers or decorative items placed on them radically change the appearance of the room. In such cases, shelves can have several levels.

How to choose the right shelf

Agree, hanging shelves in the interior always look impressive. If, of course, you choose them correctly and place them in the right places where they will look good. Now, fortunately, the choice of shelves is huge and their variety is simply amazing.

A shelf is not only a useful and necessary piece of furniture, but also an excellent design element that can bring beauty to your home.

In order to make a choice, let's remember what types of shelves exist:

  • One of the most popular shelves is the wall shelf, which is attached directly to the wall;
  • Also popular is a corner shelf that is placed between two walls. This allows you to save space in the room;
  • Floor shelves that are placed on the floor are also very effective. And if they are also on wheels, then at the right time they can be moved, removed or rearranged;
  • No less popular are hanging shelves, which are attached to the wall or ceiling using a variety of chains, cables, and belts.
  • Folding shelves are also a great way to save space, as they can be folded down when needed.
  • The shelf-table, the name speaks for itself, can take two forms: the table itself and the shelf. This is a great option for a small room.
  • If the size of your room allows you to use more space, then shelving is perfect here.

Yes, as you can see, the variety of shelves is great, and there are quite a lot of them today. All you have to do is decide on the type of construction. The main thing is not to clutter the entire room with shelves. They should go well with the overall look of the room in which you plan to hang them.

If you need shelving to store important things: books, documents, photographs, then try to make them stable and strong. Especially if they are intended for children.

In this case, the shelves should not be placed too low, since children are very active and mobile. Also, don't opt ​​for glass shelves. And their corners should not be sharp.

As for choosing shelves for the living room. Here you can give free rein to your imagination. Tetris shelves, shelves of unusual shapes, spiral shelves, frame shelves will look good here. In the bedroom you can get by with ordinary classic shelves. They will look most impressive above the bed, where you can place family photos.

It will be better for the kitchen if the material from which the shelf is made matches the material of the countertop. This will give the kitchen its own specific style and elegance.

Video: beautiful shelves in the interior

As you can see, there are plenty of types of shelves and their shapes, so the main thing is not to overdo it, but to focus on quality and durability.

The main thing to remember is that shelves on the wall should look very good in the room for which they are intended. But no one forbids you to add something new and unusual to their design. After all, with a successful choice of wall shelves and racks, your room can sparkle with new colors.

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Criteria for choosing a desktop for a schoolchild

All objects that surround a child in everyday life must be of the highest quality and exclusively environmentally friendly. Furniture designs may be different, but their quality directly determines the duration and reliability of operation, and, as a consequence, safety of use.

In addition to environmental friendliness and design, it is very important when choosing to pay attention to the following basic recommendations from experts:

  • dimensions of the space under the table for doing homework: width - at least half a meter with a depth of at least 45 cm;
  • dimensions of the working surface of the table for a first-grader: width - within 125-160 cm with depth within 60-70 cm.

The edge of the table should be at the level of the child's chest. If the table for lessons or the place for the computer is too high, then you need to choose a chair that is suitable for the height. Special shelves will help you decorate the surface correctly and easily.

Main types of desks for schoolchildren

Currently, manufacturers produce several models, among which the most popular and in demand are:

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  • classic rectangular minimalist option, represented by a tabletop fixed to a frame;
  • option with storage areas, which has additional shelves, drawers and compartments that are designed to accommodate various accessories;
  • transforming models, characterized by adjustable height and angle of inclination of the tabletop, as well as the size of the working surface area;
  • corner-type models, represented not only by a working surface, but also by a special storage area.

In small rooms, folding table models are especially relevant, as they do not take up much space and are easy to use. The chosen model must fit the interior design of the house, be combined in color, style, design features, and also fit into the overall composition of the room, without being discordant with the main interior details.

Folding desks for studying

The folding version can be used as needed and is often installed in free space, near a window. The main advantage of using a folding desk is the ability to assemble and disassemble the structure without damaging all the notebooks, books and documents contained in it. Models with a folding tabletop are especially convenient.

Manufacturing materials

Modern manufacturers use a variety of materials to make shelves. It can be chipboard, MDF, acrylic. However, traditional types of raw materials have not lost their relevance:

  1. Tree. Perhaps the most popular material. Solid wood shelves look great in any interior; they are especially often used in Scandinavian style or in loft-style rooms. In addition, wood has high environmental characteristics, which cannot be said about artificial materials made using glue. There are also some downsides - the cost of the shelves is quite high, since high-quality raw materials are always prestigious, environmentally friendly and expensive.
  2. Glass. Designs made from this material allow you to create a variety of design solutions based on a combination of the properties of a transparent surface and lighting. Glass is not affected by most aggressive environments, including moisture, is easy to clean and has increased wear resistance. The disadvantage of glass shelves is that they are fragile and traumatic.
  3. Metal. Steel products are simple and easy to use. Such shelves often have fastenings for installation on metal guides, which allows you to change the configuration of the product if necessary. The disadvantage is their low aesthetic properties, which is more than compensated by their functionality.
  4. Plastic. Modern manufacturing technologies for building materials make it possible to use plastic panels to make shelves with an almost unlimited choice of textures and colors. Plastic or vinyl products are environmentally friendly, often used in interiors in high-tech and modern styles, where there are non-standard shapes and curved lines. They have few disadvantages, one of them is that under heavy load the product can change shape or bend.
  5. Chipboard. Perhaps this material can be classified as the most budget-friendly. Chipboard shelves do their job well, but they are very fragile, especially at the fastening points, and have poor environmental performance due to the use of glue in the manufacture of the material.
  6. MDF. This raw material is most widely used for the manufacture of not only shelves, but also other furniture in Russia and Europe. Compared to chipboard, the material is stronger and more environmentally friendly. When applied, the coating can imitate many textures and have different colors. At the same time, MDF is a budget material and is relatively cheap.

The main characteristic of the material is environmental friendliness, which is especially important in families with children. Therefore, when choosing shelves based on price-quality ratio, emphasis should be placed in favor of the second indicator.


When choosing a shelf for books, you need to consider several nuances. Please remember that the user of the product will be a child. Therefore, it will be loaded with many more items than just a few lesson books. In some children's rooms, books are placed on shelves in several rows. For this reason, you need to purchase products with increased strength.

Often, schoolchildren and first-graders have books not arranged in even rows, but stacked haphazardly, so strong side walls are essential. Otherwise, textbooks, instead of being stored, will periodically fall on the floor, the surface of the desk for lessons, or may hit the child’s head.

When considering design and creative ideas, remember that the interior’s priority is the capacity and functionality of objects. Often modern products look chic, but only a few books can be placed on such a shelf. There is simply no room for the rest of the literature. Therefore, even a small assortment of shelf structures suggests choosing a simple but spacious item. Then you can come up with a finishing option or other decoration to give the product a more presentable look.

The choice of a bookshelf at a desk for a schoolchild should also be based on the type of fastening system of the product. It is on this factor that its reliability and guarantee that the shelf, including the corner one, does not injure the student by unexpectedly falling from the wall depends.

Decorative design

Despite the many design options, there are basic rules that should be followed when creating a decorative or work area with these interior elements. For example, the shelves above the table in the children's room should not be of too bright colors, contain prints with cartoon characters and textures that can distract the child's attention from the main process - studying.

Bright colors in any interior are an irritant, so they should be used only consciously. If it is quite problematic to decide on the choice of shade, it is better to give preference to pastel colors and natural textures - stone, wood.

In order to highlight the shelves, you can resort to a little trick: use brightly colored materials to make the side parts of the product.

When creating a work area for a student, you can use models with cork covering elements so that the student has the opportunity to attach reminder sheets. Options with a built-in chalk board or marker are very popular, which will allow you to use notes and make the interior more interesting.

Location recommendations

The arrangement of structures can be arbitrary, the main thing is convenient. However, when it comes to placing shelves above a student’s desk, you should follow a few simple rules:

  1. The hanging structure should not block the light, especially if the workplace is located in a dimly lit area.
  2. The furniture tabletop and shelves should be positioned in such a way that the child, sitting at the table, is facing or sideways to the doorway. It has been proven that a person sitting with his back to the door experiences discomfort while working.
  3. The structures must be at a sufficient height from the seated person’s head so as not to reduce the size of the working space. When answering the question about what height to hang the shelf, it is worth noting that its bottom panel should be located at arm's length so that the child can take the desired item without getting up.

There is one more thing to consider before hanging the shelf. It is advisable to place the upper part of the structure at a low height; the person sitting at the table should not have the need to use a chair and other objects to reach the farthest compartments, since this can be traumatic.

In cases where wall furniture elements perform an exclusively decorative function, the height of their location is not important.

Another criterion when choosing a location for a shelf above a table is the amount of free space in the room. For example, multi-tiered or corner models are great for small rooms.

What it is

A shelf is a type of furniture that does not have a front wall. That is, closed shelves are more like wall cabinets. Some models of shelves also lack a back wall.

Such elements can be placed above the kitchen, dining and desk tables. Today it is the latter option that concerns us. Usually stored on shelves:

  • Kids' things;
  • books;
  • decorative elements;
  • flowers;
  • textbooks;
  • school supplies;
  • cosmetics, etc.

Let’s immediately discuss the question of at what height to hang the structure. Here, start from who will use the shelves. If this is a child, then at the level of his growth. It is not necessary to be too low, but high placement will force parents to constantly get what their child needs. You need to focus on the growth of direct users.

An open wall-mounted structure can be used for textbooks or some household items. The shelves are very functional, take up minimal space, but can accommodate a bunch of different items. With their help, you can unload your closets, but at the same time improve the appearance of a room made in the style of minimalism, loft or even classic.

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