House with a red roof: overview of roofing materials and types of roofs

Paints for the facade are chosen based on the base material that needs to be painted.
All facade paints have increased quality indicators that characterize the durability of the material, its resistance to external factors, strength, and adhesive properties.

Facade coloring compounds do not fade and contribute to the decorative appearance of the building, its neatness and attractiveness.

Types of facade paint

Paint and varnish materials for painting facades are classified according to their composition:

  • acrylic. The main component in this composition is acrylic resin, which ensures the elasticity of the paint and the strength of the coating;
  • mixed. Compositions that can combine several main components (acrylic, liquid glass) are nanotechnological compositions of the latest generation;
  • silicate. The main component of the composition is liquid glass, characterized by good vapor permeability;
  • mineral. The basis of such materials is lime and cement. They are characterized by low cost, but are less elastic than other coloring compounds;
  • silicone. There are emulsion and modified ones. Elastic mixtures with good vapor permeability.

In addition to the fact that paints may differ in the presence of binding components, they can be based on the type of solvent:

  • water soluble . Binders are formed by dissolution in water;
  • on organic solvent elements . The components are bonded by dissolving in alcohol, white spirit, or xylene.


For each surface, it is necessary to select the appropriate paint based on the base material and type of dye.

Thus, it is advisable to use silicate paint for mineral substrates, and mineral paint for concrete and brick.

What color is best for painting the facade of a house?

The decorative design of a house largely depends on what shade the house is painted in. The most important thing when choosing a color is to be guided by the general style of the surrounding landscape, and personal preferences should be taken into account.

Choosing a paint that is not pleasing to the eye will be a big mistake, since an unpleasant shade will darken the mood and will not bring the proper aesthetic or inner comfort.

A home is not only a refuge, it is an area where a person should feel as comfortable as possible. When choosing paint, it is advisable to use shades that are closest to natural ones: brown, blue, gray, beige, white.

Flashy tones such as bright orange, scarlet, purple, light green contribute to the perception of the house as something toy, not real. Such houses will stand out beautifully against the backdrop of green vegetation, and certainly among nearby buildings. A bright façade is suitable for extravagant and emotional people for whom peace and solitude are not a suitable state.

When choosing a façade paint, it is important to consider the color match with the roof. The sample must be combined: either have a contrast, or be in one color of a different shade . It is most appropriate to use the palette in such a way that the facade is lighter (for example, yellow) than the frames of windows, doors, and other prominent parts are darker.

Don't forget about the interior design of the house. It must match the external design: then there will be a feeling of complete consistency in style and individuality (more visual photos below).

The most harmonious color combinations for facades and roofs

Before you worry about choosing the color of your house and roof, it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the laws in force in your area. It is quite possible that they already specify the acceptable color spectrum for finishing buildings. A striking example of this is French Provence. By decision of local authorities, all houses in this area are covered exclusively with red-orange tiles. This is done in order to preserve the historical appearance of the area and maintain its unique ethnic flavor. If there are no restrictions, then you can give free rein to your imagination.

Houses in Provence with a traditional red roof

According to designers, houses where a white, lemon or light gray facade is crowned with a green roof will always be harmonious. These buildings will be a wonderful addition to the natural landscape.

House with lemon facade and green roof

The yellow, cream, beige walls of the house, assembled under a brown roof, look simple, but, as they say, tasteful.

Classic combination of beige facade and brown roof

It’s a good idea to dilute the gloomy impression of a black and gray roof with blue, green, and white walls. These are exclusive combinations that are quite rare in our area. Houses in such a contrasting design look rich and noble.

Combination of blue facade and black roof

A red roof, rising among its brown and gray counterparts, will not make your home a black sheep. A bright solution would be quite appropriate against such a background. The red color will not only unobtrusively make your home stand out from the crowd, but will also emphasize the solidity of the building.

A red roof will match almost any facade color

What colors are in fashion now?

Currently, natural dark shades are becoming the most popular: brown, dark brown, and especially black or matte black . Despite the seemingly harshness of black, it gives the building nobility and elegance.

It is especially preferable to use black for painting wooden houses that have large white windows or glass verandas and doors. If you don’t like black, you can use equally popular brown or beige and shades closer to lighter tones.


It’s not always worth chasing fashion trends: first of all, the color of the house should bring satisfaction and please the owner’s eye.

Fashion changes much faster than façade painting, so don’t forget about personal preferences and inner feelings.

We use white color for finishing

The green building has a very attractive and original appearance. However, it will become even more tempting if you use a second color for finishing. Of all the available options, white is most often preferred. It may not be the most original way, but a white finish refreshes the façade of a house in the best way.

Methods for selecting colors and combinations of shades

For a building, it is important to select the right color, taking into account its architectural features. Color can emphasize a unique shape, or vice versa - smooth out the emphasis on the specifics of the design.

There are some points to consider that will help you correctly determine the color of your home:

  • Shades of the same color, differing in saturation, look harmonious;
  • it is advisable to use natural paints;
  • It is recommended to use at least two colors when decorating the facade: for protruding parts near the main walls;
  • Light colors are used to visually enlarge the building; more saturated colors are used to emphasize simple forms and the absence of many small elements in the structure.

The location of the house should be taken into account: bright colors fade quickly in the sun . Most often, when choosing a palette, colors are used according to the principle: the base is the darkest shade, the roof is a little lighter, the facade is intermediate. In this case, the correspondence of different tones of the same color is observed.

Color combinations

Corrugated roofing: sheet sizes and price

Today there is a wide variety of this material. The main criteria when choosing corrugated roofing are sheet size and price.

The length of the profiled sheet can be any - from 0.5 to 14 m.

The rolled sheet steel from which the corrugated sheet is made has a standard width of 1,250 mm. After processing due to the formation of corrugation, it changes and can be different, depending on the marking. For example, profiled sheet C8 has a width of 1,200 mm.

Price – from 280 rub./m²

What color can you paint a wooden house?

Houses made of wood are environmentally friendly and create the first impression of a feeling of natural intimacy and naturalness. Since the structure itself assumes organicity and naturalness, colors of natural shades will look most effective for a wooden house.

Often wooden houses are painted green, red (brick), brown . To emphasize the wood texture, you can use transparent enamels, which will perform a protective function while maintaining the texture.

When choosing paint, you should choose a material that has “breathable” properties so that the wood does not rot from moisture. You can use a single color design . It is also a good idea to decorate a wooden structure with contrasting colors that will highlight the protruding elements.

If the door is green

The front door is an important element that speaks volumes about the comfort of your home. Although, they often simply forget about it, which is completely wrong. For example, if the architecture of the facade of the house is quite simple and has little to offer, then using a green front door can wonderfully freshen up the entire building. A single green front door window frame will have a similar effect. You can also maintain this color by painting the side door green as well. The garage door can also be made green if desired. In principle, the same shade of green can be used for each detail to achieve unity in the exterior. And the finishing touch will be painting all the gates and gates that are on your property green.

Painting a brick house

Brick houses are distinguished by their fundamental nature and durability. Most often, brickwork is used to create a decorative appearance for the building. If there is a need to paint a brick wall, then the choice should be guided by personal preferences and structural features.

For brickwork it is not necessary to use natural shades, as, for example, for wood. You can choose any colors, but remember that light colors are most suitable for large and simple modern structures.

The style of the building determines the color: in the Baroque style, it is preferable to paint brick buildings in brown and terracotta colors, for Gothic - gray and dark shades . It is recommended to use light colors to design openings and protruding elements.

Choosing a palette for concrete or plaster

Concrete houses most often have a simple design and do not differ in architectural sophistication. It is most practical to paint a concrete structure in a single, calm color . The use of bright colors is not always appropriate, especially for small structures.

If the house is large, you can paint it a richer color, but you should take into account its location in relation to the sun. Gray is sometimes used for concrete foundations, but to prevent it from appearing dull, it should be contrasted with the color of the foundation and roof.

Thus, the choice of paint is directly related to the architecture of the house, the material used, but most importantly, to personal preferences. Do not forget about the purpose of this or that façade paint for exterior work in relation to the material of the structure.

The house is designed to maintain peace, so any decision must correspond to the internal state of the owner, his temperament and character.

For those who are afraid of making mistakes

“You need to understand that loud names like “Sicilian orange”, “wet asphalt” or “ripe cherry” invented by marketers do not change the essence of the color”

In order for the selection of color combinations for home and roof decor to go smoothly, you need to know the following:

– Derivatives of the same color spectrum will always be in harmony with each other. If the walls of the house are decorated mainly in warm colors, then the roof should be installed in the same warm color. But above the “cold” facade, the roof in such a solution will look very ridiculous.

The color of the facade should be in harmony with the color of the roof

– Classic solutions are characterized by a combination of natural shades with ocher, beige, and brown.

Combination of beige facade and brown roof

– The least risk of “missing the mark” with color is when working with light, pastel tones. Neutral colors almost never irritate, which cannot be said about rich and intense colors.

– Such large surfaces as the roof and façade of a house should not be painted in a single dark color. The spectacle will be depressing and difficult. It will be much better if you shade it with lighter inclusions.

The dark colors of the facade and roof are complemented by white finishing

– You can add personality to your home by choosing multi-colored solutions for finishing the roof and walls. The light frame of the windows looks good against the background of the dark color of the main wall surface, shaded by an even more saturated color with the base. The presence of three shades in this solution is more than enough. If you develop the theme and add color, you may end up not with an elegantly designed structure, but with a house wrapped in a patchwork quilt. So don't overdo it in pursuit of beauty.

Colored house facade

– You need to ensure that the color you choose for finishing the roof and facade is acceptable to the architectural style of the building.

The color scheme of the facade should be in harmony with the architectural style of the house

– Be sure to focus on the surrounding landscape when searching for the ideal color to decorate your house and roof. This doesn't mean that you have to blend in with the row of nondescript buildings nearby, it should help you find a way to stand out beautifully against their background.

The bright colors of the facade will help distinguish the house from faceless buildings

– If your house is built near a beautiful forest, mountains, or in a picturesque countryside, use earth colors in its exterior decoration. Representatives of the green, yellow, and brown spectrums should be in favor. Cottages located on the banks of various bodies of water should contain shades of water in their decor - turquoise, blue, etc.

Color scheme for a house on the shore of a pond

– If you want to gently blend the house into the surrounding landscape, select a color scheme for the roof and facade that will absolutely match the natural background. If the task is exactly the opposite, and the structure needs to be visible from afar, then they play on color contrasts.

The color of the facade and roof of the house goes well with the greenery of the forest

– Buildings with complex architectural configurations are never decorated with bright colors, since they do not very well focus attention on all the curves. The house will look much more impressive if its facade is made in a calm color and slightly shaded with darker window and door frames.

Light house facade with dark window frame

However, beautifully painting the facade is not everything. Here you will also need to choose colors for the rest of the elements present on it, and there are many of them here: the base and window frames; garage doors and drainpipes; platforms and stairs. The perception of color is initially subjective, so don’t be afraid to trust your eyes. The lining of the eaves and gable overhangs is selected to match the roof or in contrast to it. Also, gutters and drainpipes are usually matched to the color of the roof, but deviations are also possible here. These elements can be color synchronized with the façade.

The color of gutters and pipes matches the color of the roof of the house

If you doubt whether a particular bright element will look good against the general background, then give preference to products in a color closer to the leading background shade. Avoid stereotypes like tan and brown combinations. More suitable pairs can be found for these colors.

You need to understand that loud names like “Sicilian orange”, “wet asphalt” or “ripe cherry” invented by marketers do not change the essence of the color. Orange will remain orange, gray will remain gray, etc. So don't think that the exotic name hides a truly unique flavor. Everything is much more prosaic. It’s better to go to a specialized store, where, with the help of new technologies, they will actually prepare paint for you in the color you need.

In a specialized store they will select paint of any shade for you.

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